Thursday, January 17, 2008

New Ministry for Cliff

Today is the official first day of my new position at HLCC. After working full-time (and by myself) on the Hume East project for the last year and a half, I was pretty much done. After meetings, proposals and no rebuttals, I am moving back into Church Relations. I get to be a part of the team, spend time ministering to youth pastors, and will get to once again help Hume connect better with the local church. I am super excited for a lot of the connections I get to make and can't wait to see how God will use this. More to follow.


Eric Wakeling said...

Cliff- I love that you will be back in that. We like that - us pastors - we like you. The east coast sucks anyways! :)

not your mom said...

alright, back in the saddle

Unknown said...

Long time no see. Glad to see you finally got married and having kids. Good for you!
Remember sneaking the bus into Mexico?

Ryan Guard said...

Cliff! I found your blog via Eric Wakeling's blog. Hope you're doing well my friend!

Matt Doan said...


I am really glad to see you back in this role. You are made for this. So many of us have been blessed by talks on Hume N Beans deck with you, quick e-mails back and forth and the knowledge that you are a person we can talk to about anything. I am pumped for this new position. Now bring back Youth Pastors next year! At least for us Calvary guys

Couscous Cuisine said...

Thannk you for being you